Friday, April 29, 2011

Busy April

Well, April is almost over, and it was a wonderful month! I participated in my first show, Fashion in Detritus, and I feel it was a rousing success. I took my jewelry along with me to camp for the Earth Day celebration, and sold enough pieces to pay for the whole trip. =)  This is all really assuring me that this is something that will work. I may not be able to make a living doing this, but I can at least pay for a vacation this way!
My next show will be in Council Bluffs, at the Savor the Flavor event. I am hoping to have a display in one of the bars, but at worst I will have a table displaying, specifically, my bottle cap jewelry. I figure, this is a drinking gathering, the patrons would probably like my beer themed work. =) 
I have noticed something, though, that I want to discuss. I've worked with places that charge a vending fee, and places that let people vend for free. Though I have earned more from the 'free' shows, I have paid for them in other ways, such as the stress from lack of organization and communication. There are other shows that charge a booth fee that I've been tempted to try, but I'm scared to put forward that level of commitment. I'm still afraid of failing; still in my learning curve, ya know? So I'm trying to look at the free shows as learning experiences. Hopefully soon I will be confident enough to put my $ where my craft is.

Detritus Photo

I was browsing Fashion in Detritus's website, and found a photo of my jewelry displayed at the show! Check it out here.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Challenge of the day: The movie of your life

I think, in our culture, we all look at ourselves, at one point or another, as the main character in our own story. I know people who are crippled mentally because they aren't some big, important thing. They forget the training montage, they don't want to put the effort into becoming something big, they just expect it to happen, and when it doesn't they're devastated. I'm all about change; I'm always improving myself in one way or another. I didn't like my career anymore, so now I'm going for my Master’s degree and still working full time. I wasn't feeling fulfilled creatively, so I started doing jewelry design, and this weekend my work is being displayed in an art & fashion show.
Life isn't going to give you anything. If you want something, you have to fight for it. If you don’t like what’s happening, change it. If you want a loving relationship, it doesn’t just happen, you have to work at it, but once you have that relationship, it flows like water. If you want something bad enough, if it is something worth doing, it won’t be easy. It CAN’T be easy, or it wouldn’t be worth it. My movie’s plot may look like soap opera fodder in spots, it’s an action and a comedy and a drama and a romance piece, but it’s my life and I’m filling it with as much living as I possibly can!
To end on some favorite lyrics, a personal motto if you will:
“But if you want to see the Northern Lights
You gotta lift up your head and
If you wanna have some kind of life
Decide you're not better off dead and
If you want to read the mystic story written in your future
You better start to write it now...”
~Gaia Consort, Secret of the Crossroads Devil

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fashion In Detritus Weekend

Tonight is the opening of the Fashion in Detritus show, at 5 pm. I will be at the opening reception with artist meet and greet at 7 pm. I'll admit, I'm nervous, but mostly I'm really excited. I even have a piece in the silent auction.
The dragonfly necklace is up for the charity auction. I know a lot of people had said they loved the piece, so hopefully it will sell well. I will have displays in both the main floor, and the downstairs lounge. I was there last night, there is a TON of beautiful artwork being displayed, and I am honored to be participating. Hope to see you there!