Friday, April 29, 2011

Busy April

Well, April is almost over, and it was a wonderful month! I participated in my first show, Fashion in Detritus, and I feel it was a rousing success. I took my jewelry along with me to camp for the Earth Day celebration, and sold enough pieces to pay for the whole trip. =)  This is all really assuring me that this is something that will work. I may not be able to make a living doing this, but I can at least pay for a vacation this way!
My next show will be in Council Bluffs, at the Savor the Flavor event. I am hoping to have a display in one of the bars, but at worst I will have a table displaying, specifically, my bottle cap jewelry. I figure, this is a drinking gathering, the patrons would probably like my beer themed work. =) 
I have noticed something, though, that I want to discuss. I've worked with places that charge a vending fee, and places that let people vend for free. Though I have earned more from the 'free' shows, I have paid for them in other ways, such as the stress from lack of organization and communication. There are other shows that charge a booth fee that I've been tempted to try, but I'm scared to put forward that level of commitment. I'm still afraid of failing; still in my learning curve, ya know? So I'm trying to look at the free shows as learning experiences. Hopefully soon I will be confident enough to put my $ where my craft is.

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